Social Studies
Below are documents from the GED Testing Service related to the Social Studies section of the exam, and and D79 units of study are below. Just click on the unit planner and you can view it or download it for yourself. Everything you need for the unit is embedded in links in the unit planner.
Below are documents from the GED Testing Service related to the Social Studies section of the exam, and and D79 units of study are below. Just click on the unit planner and you can view it or download it for yourself. Everything you need for the unit is embedded in links in the unit planner.
Your first stop should be the Assessment Guide for Educators produced by the GED Testing Service for the Social Studies section of the exam. Click on the document to view or download.
Your first stop should be the Assessment Guide for Educators produced by the GED Testing Service for the Social Studies section of the exam. Click on the document to view or download.
Keep scrolling down to find the Social Studies GED Units of study!
Keep scrolling down to find the Social Studies GED Units of study!